Content Producer – Rochdale Town Hall Restoration Project – expired
March 10, 2021
Tender: Buckingham Old Gaol Museum – Interpretation Design Consultant and Project Manager – expired
April 21, 2021
Content Producer – Rochdale Town Hall Restoration Project – expired
March 10, 2021
Tender: Buckingham Old Gaol Museum – Interpretation Design Consultant and Project Manager – expired
April 21, 2021

New Code of Ethics adopted by trustees on behalf of AHI

At the meeting of the AHI committee on the 11th March a new code of ethics for interpretation was formally approved, following the consultation with the membership in January.

The new code provides a simple but clear articulation of the values we practice when we carry out interpretation, giving our profession a professional code to guide us in our work.

The consultation was very well received and we had over 50 responses. We’ve carefully considered every response and adapted the code to reflect the views of our membership. The code has been officially adopted by the trustees on behalf of AHI, and will be brought to the 2021 AGM for formal approval. The code is a ‘living’ guide and will be regularly reviewed and can evolve alongside the organisation and profession over time.

Trustees will now look into how the code can help the work of the AHI in the future, for example how it might be sensitively reflected in the joining process and the Full and Fellow application process.

The trustees are very grateful to all those who have responded to the consultation and helped make this a collaborative endeavour and the best code it can be for our current times. We believe this code will inspire and help AHI by providing a clear and concise summary of how we can all be the best interpreters we can.

The new code can be found on our website here.

New Code of Ethics adopted by trustees on behalf of AHI
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