Methodist Heritage Officer – expired
November 27, 2020
The AHI Vital Spark Virtual Pub – expired
January 5, 2021
Methodist Heritage Officer – expired
November 27, 2020
The AHI Vital Spark Virtual Pub – expired
January 5, 2021

Interpretation Consultation Opportunity – Beckford’s Tower, Lansdown – expired

The Beckford Tower Trust (BTT) owns and manages Beckford’s Tower, the last surviving building connected with the historically significant William Beckford. Located within the area of Lansdown, the building is open to the public at weekends, operating as a museum and Tower experience. Connected to the public buildings is a property leased to the Landmark Trust, operating as a holiday let. The Trust recognises an urgent conservation need to repair and conserve the Tower and is seeing this as an opportunity to develop our visitor experience, engage wider audiences and reconnect the Tower with its lost landscape, through new experiences, interpretation and access.

An interpretation consultant will be required to work as part of a design team alongside other contractors and members of BPT staff, to provide the Trust with a coherent and costed plan for the future operation of the repaired and upgraded Beckford’s Tower and Museum and the interpretation and construction works required to achieve this (Phase One) and to oversee its implementation (Phase Two).

Further information may be downloaded here.

Initial tenders to be received no later than Sunday 24 January 

Tenders to be submitted to

Any enquiries about this project to be directed to

Bath preservation trust is committed to diversifying our audiences and workforce in line with the priorities of those organisations. We actively encourage applications from candidates from groups under-represented in our organisation including; Black and minority ethnic people and Disabled people. 


Interpretation Consultation Opportunity – Beckford’s Tower, Lansdown – expired
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