Museums and historic properties / sites
July 31, 2017
Interpretation for a target audience
September 20, 2017Community Projects

Nine Men, Nine Lives, One Great War
The community-led research and interpretation of First World War soldiers commemorated in project-restored windows at Walkley Community Centre, Sheffield. Called ‘Nine Men, Nine Lives, One Great War’, interpretation comprised an exhibition, talks, open days, storytelling, youtube and webpages. This was conducted as a part of the wider community heritage Walkley Ways, Walkley Wars project.
Nine Men, Nine Lives, One Great War won this category because:
This project is commended for its community involvement in both research and interpretation. It is clearly a great success in engaging the community. Through storytelling events, talks, local shop displays, a website and a simple permanent display next to the restored window, the First World War has been given relevance, meaning and immediacy to the residents of Walkley.
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