About AHI

What is interpretation?

Interpretation is a communication process that shares interesting stories and experience’s that help people make sense of, and understand more about, a site, collection or event.

Interpreters come from all walks of life. They can be teachers, storytellers, writers, artists, curators, designers and scientists.  However, they all share a passion for crafting engaging memorable experiences that connect people to our heritage.  It is through these experiences that we can enhance people’s appreciation and understanding of their heritage.

About AHI

The Association for Heritage Interpretation is an invaluable group for anyone interested in interpretation – the art of helping people explore and appreciate our world.  We offer a forum for ideas, debate, networking and sharing good practice. We bring together people actively involved or concerned with interpretation of natural and cultural heritage. If you’re working, training or just keenly interested in heritage interpretation, then AHI is a great place to be.

AHI People

AHI is managed by a Board of Trustees which meets three times a year and holds an AGM at the Annual Conference in the autumn.  These are the folk who are currently working as AHI Committee members and advisors but we are always looking for more people to get involved in running the Association, either as an elected Trustee or a volunteer – please get in touch.

AHI Business


2019 © AHI is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, number: 1180025.